BiGDF1 Income Distribution FY2024


Dear Valued Unit Holders,

We are pleased to announce that the BIMB-ARABESQUE i Global Dividend Fund 1 (BiGDF1) has declared an income distribution for the financial year ended 31 March 2024 as follows:


We would like to express our gratitude to our unit holders for their unwavering support and trust in our BiGDF1. Their confidence has consistently translated into a consistent performance, resulting in income distributions of 2.90 sen/cent per unit for the RM Class and USD Class, 2.80 sen/cent per unit for the RM Hedged Class, and 2.60 sen/cent per unit for the SGD Class. The income distribution yield of the Fund is 6.02% for the RM Class, 6.12% for the USD Class, 6.19% for the RM Hedged Class, and 6.10% for the SGD Class.

We remain steadfast in our commitment to delivering value and risk-adjusted sustainable performance to our unit holders. Again, we thank you for your unwavering support. Your investment is a testament to our shared vision and commitment to long-term financial growth.

Please get in touch with us at [email protected] or +603-21612524 (General Line) / 1800-88-1196 (Toll-Free) for any enquiries.

Thank you.



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Investors are advised to read and understand the contents of  the Prospectus of BIMB-ARABESǪUE i Global Dividend Fund 1 (”Fund”) dated 17 October, or its supplemental (if any), and the Product Highlights Sheet (PHS) before investing, which have been lodged with the Securities Commission Malaysia (SC) who takes no responsibility for its contents. A copy of the Prospectus or its supplemental (if any), and PHS can be obtained from the Head Office of BIMB Investment,, any of our authorised unit trust consultants, distributors and/or any Bank Islam branches. The SC’s authorization or the lodgement of the Prospectus or its supplemental (if any), and PHS should not be taken to indicate that the SC has recommended the Fund. There are fees and charges involved and  investors are advised to compare and consider the fees, charges and costs involved before investing in the Fund. Investments in the Fund are exposed to risk, please refer to the Prospectus or its supplemental (if any), and PHS for detailed information. Investors are advised to consider the risks in  the Fund and should make their own risk assessment and seek professional advice, where necessary, prior to investing. Investors should also note that the price of units and distribution payables, if any, may fluctuate, and past performance of the Fund should not be taken as indicative of its future performance. Any issue of units to  which the Prospectus or its supplemental (if any), and PHS relates will only be made upon receipt of the completed application form referred to in and accompanying the Prospectus or its supplemental (if any), and PHS, subject to the terms and conditions therein. Investors are also advised that, where distribution declared, investors are advised that following issue of distribution, the NAV per unit will be reduced from cum distribution to ex-distribution NAV. This material has not been reviewed by the SC.